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unlined hardcover journal

Hardcover Unlined Journals: A Best Notebook For Writers and Artists

Journals are crucial to the writing process for ideas and/ or feelings. Hardcover, unlined journals are special in that they aesthetically very pretty and durable as well as being a lot more usable than you may think. Let us take a glance of few to top unlined hardcover journals for drawing, writing and reflecting.

Top Notebooks for Drawing and Writing

Journals to Draw and Write In - This is Fun Here are some good options:

Leuchtturm1917 A5 Notebook - My favorite writing and drawing journal; it's from Germany. Great paper and awesome cover.

Scribbles That Matter Dotted Journal - This has really thick paper here and I love the design. It even has bookmarks and a pocket.

Rhodia Webnotebook - The paper is smooth, and it has a rugged cover.

Best Journals for Artists and Creatives

Special journals for artists. Here are some good ones:

MoleskineArt Sketchbook - This sketchpad is good for pencil and other types of drawing. It has a strong cover.

Artists Loft Hardcover Sketchbook (a sketch pad with a sturdier cover) eslint

Hahnemühle Watercolor Book – Which is great for watercolour painting. It has thick paper.

Why choose Sentu unlined hardcover journal?

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