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Star strip paper is a material that works wonders, ever seen it? This paper is a charming material that can easily be used to add a balance of wonders to any DIY project. It is thin paper that looks shiny and sprinkled with a metallic exterior in long tender strips. This paper matches up to any craft or art and can be twisted or molded into many shapes to form decorative editing. A Dash of Elegance with Star Strip Paper

    Charm of Star Strip Paper

    A charming brings charm to any dawn that it has ever laid eyes on; star strip paper can achieve wonders. It can be used to fashion shiny, glittering stars, shape it around napkin holders for a stylish dinner party, or form tassels for tree decorations. There is no edge to star strip paper; it has an inflexible capacity. Exquisite DIY Editing with Star Strip Paper

    Why choose Sentu star strip paper?

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